Daytona’s Pollution Problem
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Daytona is a state in the Southeastern United States, bounded to the north by Alabama and to the west by the Gulf of Mexico and the east by the Atlantic Ocean. It also boasts a robust economy, which, unfortunately, may contribute to the city’s air quality problems. Daytona’s pollution levels are rising due to the state’s expanding population, the state’s popularity as a tourist destination, and other reasons like rising automobile ownership.
In terms of its economy, key sectors include wholesale and retail trade, transportation, utility generation, and academic and medical institutions. Again, the massive human traffic surrounding these enterprises, especially in the realms of trade and transportation, leads to deterioration in air quality.
Can You Tell Me What The Biggest Contributors To Daytona‘s Air Pollution Are?
Daytona’s massive population and abundance of manufacturing facilities are likely to be the primary sources of air pollution there. Transportation of large groups of people typically involves the use of motorised vehicles, which then in turn necessitates the use of combustion to power the engines. As a result of all the burning going on in cars, companies, power plants, and even people’s backyards, the temperature is creeping up across the state.
These typically run on diesel fuel and, because of their larger size and weight, produce substantially more fine particulate matter and environmental contaminants than their smaller counterparts do, while the two together are a potent influence in driving up the count even higher. Construction sites, mines, road maintenance, and demolition sites are also major contributors to pollution.
All of these have the potential to release substantial quantities of coarse particles and finely powdered dust into the atmosphere, as well as to release harmful substances like lead or mercury into the ground or local water sources. Massive clouds of smoke from wildfires across the state or even in neighbouring states can travel many miles, often depending on the speed and direction of the wind, and settle over cities or counties far away. In addition to pollutants from manufacturing and power plants, these are major contributors to air pollution in Daytona.

In Daytona, Who Is Most At Risk From Air Pollution?
As was alluded to briefly in the preceding question, persons who live in close proximity to major thoroughfares or industrial zones are at a higher risk of being exposed to pollution, especially if the problem is allowed to persist for extended periods of time. Young children, the elderly, the physically or mentally disabled, and expectant moms are all examples of vulnerable groups. Because it can enter the mother’s system, it can have devastating effects on the developing baby, including miscarriage, early birth, low birth weight, and even physical and mental impairments.
People who already have health problems, especially respiratory or cardiovascular ones, are another vulnerable group. It is important to highlight that even healthy young individuals can be substantially injured if enough pollutants are breathed in over a period of time, demonstrating that no one is completely immune from the deadly consequences of pollution even with vulnerable demographics.
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit is for discharging pollutants into waterways.
To regulate effluent discharges from “point sources,” such as factories and wastewater treatment facilities, the Clean Water Act of 1972 developed the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Pollutants such as bacteria, silt, oil and grease, toxic metals, pesticides, fertilisers, and trash from roads, parking lots, lawns, and other locations are washed into our streams, rivers, and seas by rain.
Regulation From Local Government Of Daytona
South Daytona is expected to follow regulations established by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System discharge permit, which is part of the federal Clean Water Act. Did you know that non-point source contamination accounts for nearly 80% of the water quality issues.
It is the responsibility of the Public Works Department to oversee the program on a day-to-day basis. The Daytona Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for them. However, this new regulation will have an effect on the daily routines and working conditions of virtually every South Daytona person. Each of us must take personal ownership of the duty to safeguard our water supplies.
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